Client Visit Event: Mr. Gary Mapanda
Africa Healing Foundation

Discussion of our capabilities  
Our CEO, Mr. Ayyappan, and COO, Mr. Navarathinamani, shared their views on the Datayaan and Medyaan business model, plans, and progress to be made on the organization's future endeavors to the [Founder / CEO] of AHF, Mr. Gary Mapanda.
Office Tour and Facilities
Gary visited both of our firms, Datayaan and Medyaan. Through this visit, we showcased our work style and workplace culture to him.   
Team introduction  
For the first time, Gary got to meet both the Medyaan and our AHF team in a direct meeting, and our teams were able to have a conversation with him directly. 

Tamil New Year Celebration with team

Tamil New Year is a festival that is very close to our hearts. Because this day is signified as the day of a new beginning, Tamil Puthandu was even more fun as we brought our tradition to light this year. We all dressed in traditional attire, and the day turned even more remarkable by getting some colors in our hands while designing rangoli. As a part of the whole DYS team, we thank our CEO, Mr. Ayyappan, and COO, Mr. Navarathinamani, for creating a fantastic opportunity to celebrate Tamil New Year. This day was even more delightful with our chief guest, Mr. Gary.

Product Demo

An exclusive end-2-end live demonstration of our Medyaan products was given to him, including one of our unique features like eICU monitors, etc. This could provide the scope of how our products can impact the AHF product development. 

Medyaan and AHF Collaboration  

 The "African Healing Foundation" [AHF] and "Medyaan Healthcare" have jointly signed an MoU to provide remote and top-quality healthcare service to African Continent. The collaboration with AHF supports the CEO, Mr. Gray Mapanda, 's mission towards spreading healthcare services to a massive population through Digital Healthcare Solutions. Also, after meeting our team, he expressed that he would like to collaborate with us in developing the IT development skills for their team and the people.   

Words from Mr. Gary Mapanda [Founder/CEO AHF], Mr. Ayyappan [CEO], and Mr. Navarathinamani [COO]   

"Though it was my first trip to India, both the Datayaan and the Medyaan team made it memorable. Mainly I got to know the tradition and the culture of the country. I was happy to see the entire team and spend time with them. It was one of the energetic teams I have seen recently, says Gary. Our CEO Mr. Ayyappan and Mr. COO Navarathinamani's dream to "Make HealthCare Happen" is turning into reality through this unique project. Finally, we would like to thank Dr. Sharmila Anand, of Inspera for being a bridge between AHF and Medyaan.     

Marching towards the vision
Goal setting Workshop [2022]